Home ForBailey TogetherAgain Date Engagement
Date part deux
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Can I say I am stupid? Would people believe me?
I have no doubt that they would agree, seeing how I keep seeming to mess up the best thing that has even happened to me. It is not just that I am stupid, it is that I can't seem not to hurt her. I wish I knew what was going on so I could fix it so she never had to worry or be hurt again.

When I do something, I think I am doing it for her and it is to prevent her from being hurt, or from thinking I will compare her to someone else. That is me deluding myself as she is hurt and worried more than ever. I think I am just a bad egg and me being with her is just bringing her down. I wish it wasn't this way, but I don't have any idea how to fix it. I love her so much and all that I ever accomplish with her is to hurt her more and more.

I am sorry baby. I wish I was better for her, I wish I could comfort her instead of making her worry and hurt. I wish so much in regards to her that it seems all I can do right is 'Wish'.

I know it seems all I say any more but I am sorry for everything I have done. I did not mean to hurt her but as they say the road to hell was paved with good intentions. At this time I don't know what more I can do other than say I am sorry...

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